About Anna


Commissioner Hansen is dedicated commissioner for her constituents and has made a huge difference for Santa Fe County. She has delivered on her promises and passed over 60 resolutions in the past seven years. Commissioner Hansen worked diligently to pass the Hard Rock Mining Ordinance in the Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC), one of the most progressive ordinances on DCI (Development of Countywide Impacts) in the country. In 2019 passed the Energy Efficiency Codes (EEC) to bring the county up to date with the state regulations and supports the adoption of the 2021 EEC. Anna understands the need for affordable housing and behavioral health services which is why she passed an ordinance to address short-term rentals and helped to a create La Sala, a detox and behavioral crisis center.

Commissioner Hansen brought millions of dollars into District 2 for road and infrastructure improvements.

  • Agua Fria Preliminary Engineering Report for Wastewater Infrastructure Expansion Plan includes 38 roads, up to nine will have sewers installed by 2025..
  • Agua Fria Road was repaved from Henry Lynch Road to Lopez Lane.
  • West Alameda was repaved from just below Siler Rd to Caja Atajo
  • The Nancy Rodriguez Community Center (NRCC) now has solar panels, which provide 100% of the center’s electricity. The NRCC kitchen has been upgraded and a new asphalt apron, road, parking lot and patio structure were also completed.
  • The Santa Fe River Trail is completed to Siler Road, and will be extended to the San Ysidro Crossing in 2024-2025.

Commissioner Hansen understands that transparency and communication are critical to good government. She has responded to constituent concerns with public outreach, E-newsletters, town halls, community forums, and continues to meet with many HOAs on a regular schedule and will continue as your State Senator.

Commissioner Hansen is focused on listening to constituent needs and ensuring our community makes progress on the following:

  • Romero Park Phase 3 upgrades
  • Sidewalks on Lopez Lane built, and more money invested in ground water protection in the form of new sewers in Agua Fria Village.
  • Completing the next phase of the Santa Fe River Trail, extending it from Siler Road to the San Ysidro Crossing

As a passionate community organizer and dedicated small business owner, Anna has spent the last four decades improving the lives of Santa Feans and understands that we must do more to protect our land, air, and water.

Good government goes beyond just showing up; it is about getting results!

State Senate District 24, your vote matters! Vote to elect Anna Hansen on June 4th, 2024 . Thank you!

Please go to Commissioner Anna Hansen’s Santa Fe County page and check out all the resolutions and proclamations she has moved forward on your behalf.

Involved in our community since 1974
  • Owner, Dakini Design & Consulting LLC, 1992
  • Art Director, Green Fire Times, 2009-2016
  • Director of Community Building & Development,
    Oshara Village, 2004-2010, Santa Fe County
  • Masters & Bachelors Degree in Art & Art History, UNM
  • Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission (2007-2015) Chair 2013-2014
  • 2011 – Bicycle Master Plan Citizens Advisory Committee
  • 2014- Appointed by Mayor Gonzales, 2008 Park Bond Audit Task Force
  • Santa Fe River Commission
  • Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
  • Council on International Relations
  • Conservation Voters New Mexico
  • Santa Fe Watershed Association
  • Elected to the Democratic Party State Central Committee (2006-2015), Elected Ward Chair (2B) for SF County
  • Federation of Democratic Women of Santa Fe County
  • Sierra Club

Leading by example in 2009, Anna had a PV solar system installed on her house and business by a local solar contractor. She supports the use of renewable energy and is committed to moving local businesses and neighborhoods toward more clean energy and sustainable practices. She has been practicing water conservation at her home and has supported Santa Fe Watershed Association efforts of restoration along the Santa Fe River.