• Anna Hansen Addresses Constituents

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Environmental champion and Santa Fe County Commissioner, Anna Hansen


As a Santa Fe County Commissioner, Hansen has been a highly-effective leader since her election in 2016, passing more than sixty progressive resolutions to solve critical issues within her district and countless protections for our land, water and air for all New Mexicans.  She has served as Chairwoman and Vice Chair of the Board of County Commissioners and is a County’s representative on the:

  • Buckman Direct Diversion (BDD) Board, Chair (2021) Vice-Chair;
  • Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico (CSCNM), Chair (2022-2024)
  • Metropolitan Planning Organization, Chair (2018)(MPO),
  • Solid Waste Management Agency, Chair(2019 & 2022 (SWMA),
  • Santa Fe Internal Audit Committee, Chair 2018 SFIAC),
  • Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area, President (2021-2023) Vice President (2019, 20, 24) (NRGNHA),
  • North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD), and
  • North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD).

Since taking office, Commissioner Hansen has had roads paved, repaired and maintained through out the district, secured funding for Agua Fria’s wastewater sewer project, supported and protected the Agua Fria Mutual Domestic water system, rolled back annexation and created partnerships to address the health care and drug addiction needs in District 2 and throughout the County.

Commissioner Hansen’s most notable achievements have been in environmental stewardship – ensuring Santa Fe County is a national example in addressing climate change at the local level. In 2017, under her leadership, the Board of County Commissioner joined the 2015 Paris Agreement which led our Sustainability Dept to transform the County’s renewable goals. In 2019, we passed the Climate Emergency Resolution along with joining the Race to Zero emissions. She led in 2019 for the implentation of the Hard Rock Mining Ordinance, secured funding of $505,000 for solar panels on County buildings in the 2019 Legislative session and succeeded in placing solar panels and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at the County’s new administration building. She has opposed weakening regulations for Big Oil and drilling in Chaco Canyon, as well as remaining a leading voice on protections of the Caja Del Rio and Santa Fe Mountain conservation & fire mitigation efforts.

Anna continues to be one of the strongest voices we have working with federal agencies and our federal delegation. Commissioner Hansen has long fought for comprehensive cleanup of radioactive and hazardous waste at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). She has challenged the Department of Energy, the National Nuclear Security Administration, and LANL as they reduce protections for workers, the public, and the environment. Cleanup of LANL’s toxic dumps will create jobs and protect Santa Fe County regional drinking water, residents and resources.

In working to protect the public from the radioactive contaminates that have been left in the ground above our drinking water system, it is extremely important to have a watchful eye over Department of Energy NNSA/DOE and have open line of communication with headquarters in Wash DC. .

For more information about Commissioner Anna Hansen call 505.920.0957 or email anna@annahansensantafe.com