
Resolutions and Proclamations

As Santa Fe County Commissioner, from 2017 – 2023, Anna Hansen introduced the following resolution during her term in office.
(The links provided below open the original source as published on the page in a new window.)



Resolution 2023-055
A Resolution Supporting the Administrative and Legislative Protections of the Upper Pecos River Watershed Through the Withdrawal of Mineral Rights

Resolution 2023-017
A Resolution Establishing a Task Force to Analyze and Make Recommendations Concerning the Structure, Staffing, and Responsibilities of the Santa Fe County Office of Emergency Management to Best Position It to Meet Substantially Increasing Emergency Management Demands.

Resolution 2023-010
A Resolution Supporting Senate Bill 165, Enacting The Local Choice Energy Act

Resolution 2023-001
A Resolution in Support of the Investigation and Prosecution of Persons Responsible for the Effort to Criminally Interfere with or Overturn the Results of the 2020 Presidential Election that Culminated in the January 6, 2021, Violent Attack Upon the United States Capitol; and Calling for the Passage of Federal and State Laws to Eliminate the Risks of Future Insurrections and Efforts to Delay, Disrupt, or Overturn Elections, and to Better Protect and Safeguard the Election Process.


Resolution 2022-088
A Resolution Supporting State Legislation to Establish Industry-Wide Reductions on the Emissions of Greenhouse Gases

Resolution 2022-070
A Resolution Recognizing September 21, 2022, as the International Day of Peace and Urging the United States Congress to Reduce Funding to the United States Department of Defense and Reallocate those Funds to Domestic Needs.

Resolution 2022-061
A Resolution Supporting the Eleventh Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive in Coordination with The Food Depot.

Resolution 2022-056
A Resolution Urging the State and Federal Government to Enact Common Sense Gun Safety Measures.

Resolution 2022-050
A Resolution Urging the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS) to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement in Accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act on the Santa Fe Mountains Landscape Resiliency Project; to Request New Risk, Costs, and Benefits Assessment of USFS Forest Fuels Treatments on the Santa Fe National Forest Including Their Risk to New Mexico Health, Water Supplies and Economies; to Publicly Assess Use of Alternative Treatments Under Accelerating Climate Change; and to Request that the USFS Cease Intentional Burns in Santa Fe County Until These Public Reviews.

Resolution 2022-031
A Resolution Directing the County Manager to Establish a Working Group to Analyze and Make Recommendations Concerning an Education Program and Possible Ordinance Discouraging the Use of Various Single-Use Plastic and Polystyrene Products in Santa Fe County; Urging the U.S. Congress to Enact Senate Bill 984; and, Should the U.S. Congress Fail to Act, Urging the New Mexico Legislature to Enact a Statewide Ban on Single-Use Plastic and Polystyrene Products

Resolution 2022-030
A Resolution Supporting the Permanent Preservation of the Caja del Rio Cultural Landscape & Wildlife Area

Resolution 2022-006
A Resolution Establishing Santa Fe County 2022 State Legislative Priorities for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action


Resolution 2021-121
A Resolution Establishing Santa Fe County 2022 State Legislative Priorities for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action

Resolution 2021-105
A Joint Resolution Recognizing the Existence of Open Items Related to Annexation and Establishing Negotiating Teams to Develop Non-Binding Proposals to Resolve those Items

Resolution 2021-065
A Resolution Supporting the Tenth Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive in Coordination with The Food Depot

Resolution 2021-032
A Resolution in Support of President Biden’s Temporary Pause on Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Public Lands

Resolution 2021-011
A Resolution Requesting that the National Nuclear Security Administration Prepare and Complete a New Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Los Alamos National Laboratory Before Expanding Plutonium Pit Production at the Facility

Resolution 2021-005
A Resolution in Support of Legislation in the 2021 New Mexico Legislative Session Related to the Advancement of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action


Resolution 2020-93
A Resolution in Support of Senate Resolution 372 and House Resolution 835, the 30×30 Campaign to Protect 30 Percent of Lands and Ocean by 2030

Resolution 2020-62
A Resolution Supporting the Ninth Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive in Coordination with The Food Depot

Resolution 2020-59
A Resolution on Civil Rights and Recognizing the Need for Racial and Social Justice

Resolution 2020-51
A Resolution to Protect and Enhance Pollinator Species and their Habitat throughout Santa Fe County

Resolution 2020-50
A Resolution Recognizing the County’s Efforts to Reduce Disparities in Health Care and Public Safety

Resolution 2020-22 
A Resolution to Carry Out and Cultivate Climate Action for the Fiftieth Year Anniversary of Earth Day.

Resolution 2020-16
A Resolution Recommending Reform of the 1872 Mining Law to Protect Public Lands and Local Economies and Supporting the Hardrock Leasing and Reclamation Act of 2019.

Resolution 2020-15
A Resolution Supporting House Bill 223, The Agricultural & Natural Resources Trust Act.

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Resolution 2019-154
A Resolution Supporting Federal Legislation to Designate Bandelier National Monument as a National Park and Preserve.

Resolution 2019-144 
A Resolution Supporting the Protection of Wildlife Corridors in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Urging Congress to Adopt the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2019 and Expressing Support for the Santa Fe National Forest to Adopt and Establish the Caja del Rio Wildlife and Cultural Interpretive Management Area.

Resolution 2019-143
A Resolution in Support of the Appropriation of Funds by the New Mexico Legislature for New Mexico Grown Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for School and Senior Meal Programs and Related Education Programs for Schools and Farmers.

Resolution 2019-111
A Resolution Endorsing the Declaration of a Climate Emergency, Joining the Global Climate Strike, and Requesting Regional Collaboration on an Immediate Just Transition and Emergency Mobilization Effort to Restore a Safe Climate.

Resolution 2019-104
A Resolution Supporting the Eighth Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive in Coordination with the City of Santa Fe and The Food Depot and Authorizing the Use of County Facilities for the Collection of Non-Perishable Food Donations.

Resolution 2019-70
A Resolution Urging the U.S. Congress to Enact ‘The Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act, S. 1079’ to Withdraw the Federal Lands Around Chaco Canyon from Further Mineral Development and Ensure the Protection of Chaco Ruins and the Greater Landscape Surrounding the Chaco Cultural National Historical Park.

Resolution 2019-53
A Resolution Urging the United States Forest Service to Conduct a Comprehensive Environmental Analysis in Accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act Prior to Commencing the Santa Fe Mountains Landscape Resiliency Project.

Resolution 2019-43
A Resolution Requesting the U.S. Department of Energy Rescind or Substantially Revise Order 140.1 to Remove Restrictions on the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board’s Access to Information.

Resolution 2019-42
A Resolution Urging the New Mexico State Legislature to Enact the Healthy Soil Act, House Bill 204, During the 2019 Legislative Session and Directing Staff to Explore Ways to Incentivize Soil Health Improvements.

Resolution 2019-33
A Resolution Opposing the Environmental Protection Agency’s and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Proposed Amendment to the Clean Water Rule Adopted in 2015 Defining Waters of the United States (WOTUS).

Resolution 2019-18
A Resolution Authorizing Santa Fe County to Join the Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico (“CSC”) as a Founding Member.

Resolution 2019-17
A Resolution Urging Congress to Clarify that the Rights Protected Under the Constitution are the Rights of Human Beings and not the Rights of Artificial Entities, and that Governments May and Shall Regulate Campaign Contributions and Expenditures to Protect the People from Corruption and Undue or Disproportionate Influence in Elections and Government; Asking that Congress Propose a Constitutional Amendment to Provide Such Clarification.

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Resolution 2018-126
A Resolution to Support the New Mexico Rio Grande Trail Master Plan.

Resolution 2018-124
A Resolution in Support of State of New Mexico Legislature Initiatives and Administrative Actions that Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Production, Water Conservation, and Watershed Management.

Resolution 2018-118
A Resolution in Support of the Appropriation of Funds by the New Mexico Legislature for the ‘New Mexico Grown Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables for School Meals Program’ and Related Education Programs.

Resolution 2018-110
A Resolution in Support of Legislation in the 2019 Legislative Session to Authorize the Practice of Dental Therapy and Govern the Training and Licensure of Dental Therapists in New Mexico.

Resolution 2018-104
A Resolution Urging Full Funding and Permanent Reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Prior to September 30, 2018.

Resolution 2018-103
A Resolution in the Interest of Protecting Our Lives, Land and Water from Radioactive Waste Risks.

Resolution 2018-70
A Resolution Supporting the Rio Grande Wildfire and Water Source Protection Collaborative Charter.

Resolution 2018-59
A Resolution in Support of a Pilot Residential Composting Program.

Resolution 2018-47
A Resolution Supporting the Seventh Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive in Coordination with the City of Santa Fe and the Food Depot and Authorizing the Use of County Facilities for the Collection of Non-Perishable Food Donations.

Resolution 2018-35
A Resolution in Support of 2018 Bike-to-Work Week and Associated Activities.

Resolution 2018-30
A Resolution Supporting Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization Resolution No. 2018-01 which Supports Transportation Planning that Advances the Sustainability Goals in the 2015 Santa Fe County Sustainable Growth Management Plan and the City of Santa Fe 25 Year Sustainability Plan.

Resolution 2018-28
A Resolution Opposing the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Proposed Repeal of its Methane Rule which was Intended to Reduce and Regulate Methane Leaking, Venting and Flaring From Oil and Gas Operations.

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Resolution 2017-142
A Resolution to Support the 2018 Farm Bill Priorities as a Means to Securing a Regional Food System that is Just and Accessible for All Members of the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County Communities.

Resolution 2017-141
A Resolution in Support of the Appropriation of Funds by the New Mexico Legislature for the ‘New Mexico Grown Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables for School Meals Program.’

Resolution 2017-129
A Resolution Requesting that the New Mexico Environment Department Strengthen the Revised Los Alamos National Laboratory Cleanup Consent Order to Call for Additional Characterization of Legacy Nuclear Wastes; Requesting the Department of Energy to Request Increase Cleanup Funding From Congress, and Significantly Increase Safety Training; and Directing the County Manager to Transmit Copies of This Resolution to Associated Parties.

Resolution 2017-128
A Resolution To Undertake Legal Action Regarding the Opiate Epidemic.

Resolution 2017-127
A Resolution to Discuss with the City of Santa Fe City Council Modifications to the Annexation Settlement Agreement and Phasing Agreements.

Resolution 2017-84
A Resolution Supporting the Sixth Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive in Coordination with the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe Food Depot on September 16, 2017 and Authorizing the Use of County Facilities for the Collection of Non-Perishable Food Donations.

Resolution 2017-68
A Resolution in Support of The Paris Agreement.

Resolution 2017-67
A Resolution to Recognize Agua Fria Village Association as a Community Organization for Agua Fria Community District.

Resolution 2017-47
Supporting the Studying of the Economic Benefits of and Ultimately Creating a Museum Commemorating the History of the El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro in Agua Fria Village.

Resolution 2017-24
Supporting Legislation Requiring Competitive Resource Procurement for Electric Utilities in the State of New Mexico.

Resolution 2017-17
Supporting Legislation Adopting a Patient Safe Staffing Act Such as that Described in House Bill 288 and Senate Bill 281, as Introduced during New Mexico’s 53rd Legislature’s First Session, in Order to Address the Need for Safe Nurse Staffing Levels in Hospitals in New Mexico.

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Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hansen has introduced the following proclamations since taking office in January 2017.

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Proclamation 02-27-2024
Proclaiming March 10, 2024, as ‘Tibetan Freedom Day’

Proclamation 02-13-2024
Proclaiming February 21, 2024, as ‘Serene Mountain Day at the Upaya Center’


Proclamation 11-14-2023
Proclaiming the Month of November as ‘Native American Heritage Month’

Proclamation 09-26-2023
Proclaiming Monday, October 9th as ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Proclamation 04-25-2023
Proclaiming the Week of April 23-29, 2023, as ‘Daniel Ellsberg Week’

Proclamation 02-28-2023
Proclaiming March 10, 2023, as ‘Tibetan Freedom Day’


Proclamation 06-28-2022
Proclaiming June 21, 2022, as ‘End Childhood Hunger in Santa Fe Day’

Proclamation 06-14-2022
Proclaiming June 14, 2022, as ‘Katherine Miller Day’

Proclamation 04-12-2022
Proclamation Proclaiming April 2022 as ‘National County Government Month’

Proclamation 04-12-2022
Proclaiming April 22nd 2022, as ‘Earth Day’


Proclamation 07-27-2021
Proclaiming July 27 – August 2, 2021, as ‘Melinda Romero Pike Week’

Proclamation 04-13-2021
Proclaiming April 22nd 2021 as ‘Earth Day’

Proclamation 03-09-2021
Proclaiming March 22nd as ‘Daniel T. ‘Bud’ Kelly Jr. Day’

Proclamation 03-09-2021
Proclaiming March 10th 2021 as ‘Tibetan Freedom Day’


Proclamation 07-28-2020
Proclaiming August 2020 as ‘National Women’s Suffrage Month’ in Celebration, Recognition, and Honor of the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution

Proclamation 07-14-2020
Proclaiming July 26th, 2020 as ADA Awareness Day in Celebration, Recognition, and Honor of the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Tibetan Freedom Day Proclamation Photo

Proclamation 02-25-2020
Proclaiming March 10th 2020 as ‘Tibetan Freedom Day’


Proclamation 10-08-2019
Proclaiming October 8, 2019, as ‘Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor’s Excellence in Assessment Administration Day’

Proclamation 05-14-2019
Honoring Victoria L. Trujillo for her Outstanding Public Service as Chief Deputy Clerk for Santa Fe County

Proclamation 04-30-2019
Proclaiming May 4, 2019, as ‘Comcast Cares Day’

Proclamation 02-26-2019
Proclaiming March 10, 2019 as ‘Tibetan Freedom Day’

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Proclamation 10-09-2018
Recognizing the 25th Anniversary of the Agua Fria Village Association

Proclamation 09-25-2018
Declaring the Second Monday in October as ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ in Santa Fe County

Proclamation 08-28-2019
Declaring the Week of September 1 – 8, 2018 as ‘Ageless Living Week’

Proclamation 03-13-2018
Proclaiming the Month of March 2018 as ‘Certified Government Financial Managers Month’

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Proclamation 04-11-2017
Proclaiming the Month of April 2017 as ‘National Poetry Month’

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